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Important Update: Postponement and Venue Change for LTF 2024

We hope this message finds you well.

We would like to inform you that due to unforeseen circumstances, the Libya Tech Forum (LTF) 2024 has been postponed and relocated. The new event dates are the 1st and 2nd of December 2024, and it will now take place in Istanbul, Turkey, instead of Tripoli,
1 - 2 December, 2024 | Istanbul, Turkey

Connect with experts, decision-makers, & innovators to unlock Libya’s digital potential.

At this year’s conference
we are creating a unique nexus where decisionmakers of prominent Libyan enterprises converge with cybersecurity professionals and solution providers. This platform serves as the crucible for addressing and planning the cybersecurity needs of Libya’s industry giants and fostering potential collaborations.

But that’s not all. In addition to the enriching conference sessions, we’re excited to announce an innovative and interactive component: an exhibition. This exhibition will allow companies and solution providers to showcase their cutting-edge services and products, providing a hands-on experience for attendees to explore the latest in cybersecurity technology.

Join us on this remarkable journey, as we not only discuss the latest in cybersecurity but also shed light on Libya’s bright future as a technological hub. Libya’s opportunities are vast, and the Libya Tech Forum stands as a beacon of inspiration and collaboration for those eager to be part of this extraordinary journey.
Building the Next Generation
of Industrial Cyber Defenders
Libya, a nation with boundless potential and burgeoning opportunities, is poised to make its mark on the global technological landscape. The Libya Tech Forum 2024 - Cyber Security is not merely a conference; it is a testament to Libya’s promise in the realm of technology. It’s a celebration of opportunities that await, and a call to action for those eager to explore the nation’s digital frontiers.

At Libya Tech Forum 2024, we offer comprehensive cybersecurity solutions, designed to mitigate risks and ensure the integrity of your digital infrastructure. Considering the vulnerable nature of the energy sector, the industry must prioritize cybersecurity measures. By recognizing these cybersecurity challenges and implementing appropriate solutions, the industry can mitigate risks, protect critical assets and infrastructure, and ensure the reliable and secure delivery of energy services.
Event Areas of Interest
The energy sector protects a multifaceted web of oil, natural gas, and electricity resources and assets to maintain steady energy supplies and ensure the overall health and wellness of the nation.

Energy cybersecurity risks and mitigation strategies:
As cyberattacks on energy infrastructure become more common, how can energy, resources, and industrial companies (ER&I) shore up their cybersecurity footprint and confidently confront emerging risks?
An important strategy is to identify and detect threats specifically targeting your sector or business and then continually monitor internally, among supplier partners, and in the wider ecosystem for patterns of abnormal activity that may indicate a threat has entered the environment. Also, look at things like zero trust. Previously, there was much focus on making the perimeter of a company very difficult to get into. That protected the organization’s soft center. Now, that perimeter might be gone because a company is connected to its cloud provider, the grid system, and other ecosystem partners across the company’s footprint. Cyber controls need to be extended to the endpoints and that’s where zero trust has a strong role to play. Finally, resilience planning is essential. This means understanding how to recover and restore operations when there is a cyber incident or engage in war gaming so you have that muscle memory of working across the organization to respond and recover promptly in an emergency.
As more and more financial institutions move online, they are all at cyber security risk. Although customer data protection is relevant for any business, it’s especially acute for banks and other financial systems due to the sensitive data they store.

Fraudsters become more cunning year by year. Therefore, financial institutions have to look for new ways to counter modern cyber threats. That is why it’s important to keep up with the times and implement innovative tools and technologies for cyber security in banking.

Cyber security in banking is a set of technologies and methods designed to ensure the safety of customers’ data and assets and uphold the bank’s reputation. A well-thought-out cyber security strategy can help a financial institution effectively protect its clients from associated threats.
By leveraging machine learning algorithms, AI systems can analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns that humans might miss. This allows for more accurate and timely detection of cyber threats. AI can also help in the development of advanced security measures, such as behavioral analysis and predictive modeling.
Considering they develop, control, and run vital infrastructure that is extensively utilized to communicate and store vast amounts of sensitive data, telecom companies are a major and popular target for cyber attacks.

Telecommunication operators handle essential infrastructure, therefore a cyber attack can have a huge and far-reaching impact. Even a false accusation of a cyber attack might cause a telco company to shut down key services that consumers and clients rely on. Another typical high-impact target is customer data. Personal information about all of their clients is routinely stored by telecom companies, including names, addresses, and even financial information. This private information is a tempting target for cybercriminals or insiders attempting to extort customers and steal money.
Protecting sensitive data for the public good For government, cybersecurity isn’t only a challenge, it’s a big obstacle to long-awaited digital transformation. Plus, the stakes are sky-high. Hacking public sector information might imperil national security as well as citizens’ trust. Is the government up to the task?

Data governance helps organizations classify data based on its sensitivity. This classification guides cybersecurity efforts, ensuring that the most critical data receives the highest level of protection.
Join us on this
remarkable journey
We not only discuss the latest in cybersecurity but also shed light on Libya's bright future as a technological hub. Libya's opportunities are vast, and the Libya Tech Forum stands as a beacon of inspiration and collaboration for those eager to be part of this extraordinary journey.
A message from organizer
We are excited to extend our warmest greetings and introduce you to a remarkable opportunity the Libya Tech Forum 2024 - Cyber Security.

As the organizers of this prestigious event, we are deeply committed to advancing the technological landscape of Libya and addressing the pressing concerns of our digital age. With great anticipation, we announce that this year’s forum will revolve around the critical theme of Cyber Security, a topic of paramount importance in today’s interconnected world.

This year’s conference promises to be a transformative experience, where we delve into the heart of Libya’s technological aspirations while addressing the pressing issue of Cyber Security.

We are at your service whether you’re an experienced cybersecurity professional, a tech enthusiast, or a business looking to tap into Libya’s promising landscape, the Libya Tech Forum 2024 - Cyber Security is tailored to your needs.
Key Highlights
of the Libya Tech Forum 2024 - Cyber Security
In-depth discussions on cutting-edge cybersecurity trends and challenges.
A unique platform for decision-makers of prominent Libyan enterprises to interact with cybersecurity professionals and solution providers, fostering potential collaborations.
An interactive exhibition where companies and solution providers can showcase their state-of-the-art products and services.
Engaging keynote sessions, workshops, panel discussions, and networking opportunities.
Exploration of Libya's vast technological potential and promising opportunities.
Event Activities
Interactive visual presentations to introduce artificial intelligence techniques Presented by a group of international Libyan experts
Offers for emerging ideas owners to review the technical challenges and obstacles they face during their journey
Presentations by students and researchers to help them complete their academic and scientific projects and graduation research
Promising project offers In front of a group of investors and businessmen interested in business development
A competition to choose the best projects It is subject to evaluation by a specialized committee of technicians and international expert houses
Explore Cybersecurity's Future
Libya Tech Forum 2024 connects experts, decision-makers, and innovators to protect digital landscapes and unlock Libya’s potential.
Who are going to attend
Solution Providers
Companies offering cybersecurity products and services, including leading international cybersecurity firms, seeking to showcase their offerings and network with potential clients.
Business Leaders
and Decision-Makers
CEOs, CIOs, CTOs, and other executives in Telecom and finance enterprises interested in enhancing their organization's cybersecurity posture.
Cybersecurity Professionals
Security analysts, information security officers, ethical hackers, and anyone involved in safeguarding digital assets.
Technology Enthusiasts
Individuals passionate about technology, digital innovations, and cybersecurity trends.
Academics and Researchers
Professors, researchers, and Libyan students seeking to explore and contribute to the field of cybersecurity.
Government and Policy Makers
Officials responsible for shaping cybersecurity policies and regulations.
Startups and Entrepreneurs
Innovators with cybersecurity-related startups or business ideas looking for opportunities and guidance.
Aspiring cybersecurity professionals and tech enthusiasts in Libya seeking knowledge and career guidance.
International Participants
Professionals, experts, and key players from around the world in the cybersecurity industry who are interested in Libya's tech and cybersecurity landscape.
Media and Journalists
Media representatives covering technology and cybersecurity developments.
Event Topics
Security operation Center
Given your outlined point on network security and endpoint security as categories with multiple products under them, including Network Detection and Response (NDR) and Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) . These tools play a crucial role in strengthening an organization's overall cybersecurity posture. When combined with Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems, they form the cornerstone of a Security Operations Center (SOC). Therefore, it's essential to add and delve into the concept of SOC, outlining its significance and the benefits of implementing an effective SOC.
Vulnerability Assessment
Definition and Importance: Explain what vulnerability assessment is and why it's crucial for identifying weaknesses in the telecommunication network.
and if possible Case Studies: Provide real-world examples or case studies showcasing the impact of effective vulnerability assessments in preventing security incidents and maintaining the integrity of telecommunication networks.
Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response
(SOAR) is particularly valuable in today's dynamic cybersecurity landscape where threats are diverse, sophisticated, and can evolve rapidly. It enhances the ability of security teams to detect, respond to, and mitigate security incidents in a more timely and effective manner.
Security in Virtualization
Given the increasing reliance on virtualized infrastructure, discuss the security considerations and best practices for implementing secure virtualization technologies in telecommunications.
Cybersecurity for Existing 4G and Legacy Networks
While focusing on 5G security, also address the importance of maintaining robust cybersecurity measures for existing 4G and legacy networks.
Digital Forensics
Cover the basics of digital forensics and its role in investigating and responding to cyber incidents within the telecommunication sector.
Secure Backup
how to store and secure backup data from tampering and ransomware attacks
Step into the Future of Cybersecurity!
Explore, Engage, and Elevate Your Security Game at the Libya Tech Forum 2024 Exhibition. Secure Your Spot
Some of our previous events
Fintech Road Vision 2022
SOFTin Space 2023
Libya Tech Forum 2024
Strategic Partner
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Host Partner
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Technical Partner
Event Supporters
NOC Subsidiaries
Akakus Oil Operation - AOO
Zawia Oil Refining Company - ARC
Arabian Gulf Oil Company - AGOCO
Harouge Oil Operations Company
Libyan Fertillizer Company - LIFECO
Mellitah Oil and Gas Co
Murzuq Oil Services Ltd - MOSL
North African Geophysical Exploration Co - NAGECO
The National Petroleum Construction Company - NPCC
National Oil Wells Drilling and Workover - NWD
Petro Air
Sarir Oil Operations - SOO
Taknia Libya Engineering Company - TLEC
Zallaf Libya Oil and Gas
Zueitina Oil Company - ZOC
Brega Petroleum Marketing Company
Jowfe Oil Technology Company
The National Oil Field Catering Company - NOFCAAT
Petroleum Research Center
Ras Lanuf Oil & Gas Processing Company - RASCO
Sirt Oil Company
Oil Clinic
Petroleum Training & Qualifying Insitute - PTQI
Nafusah Oil Operation - NOO
Waha Oil Company
Specific Training Center for Oil Industries
Mabruk Oil Operations
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